The Origin Of Vampires From fiction and folklore to popular culture, vampires have been a legend maintained through the centuries. With the spooky season upon us, we’re sure to see more of the bloody beasts in books, on screens and in shop windows. Be they magic or...
The Mysterious Disappearance Of Saturn’s Majestic Rings Whether you’re an astrology expert or space novice, you can’t think of Saturn without imagining the orb with its iconic rings. However, in 2025 these rings will temporarily become invisible to planet Earth. The...
Place Over All Never before have we been able to travel so far without moving an inch; with the touch of a button, we can bring lands far and wide into our single viewpoint through nothing more than a miniature screen. Profound though this may be, the power of place –...
Supervolcanoes: A Snapshot While ‘super’ has become a popular (if somewhat over-used) word choice for expressing something overtly extra, in this case, its use as a prefix is entirely apt. ‘Supervolcanoes’ are a specific classification of volcano, referring to those...
The final paragraph is paramount to any piece of writing, but is often the last thought on the writer’s mind. Or, it might be the first thought, but actually writing it is often left until last in order to write the sum of the parts already written. At that point, how...