Beyond The Ballot Box

Beyond The Ballot Box

The transition from pre-election excitement to post-election politics has been a turbulent one. But where do we go from here? The deciding vote is unencumbered and the result is unfaltering: a pivotal change to the UK’s leadership. What starts as a concise mark in the...
Manage Yourself, Not Time

Manage Yourself, Not Time

‘Time management’ is a commonly used phrase in educational settings and workplaces, but the phrase itself has somewhat lost its meaning or gravitas for many of us. In part, this may be because most people recognise time management as an important, and sometimes...
Debating Skills And Advice

Debating Skills And Advice

Debating is a powerful skill that sharpens your critical thinking, enhances your public speaking abilities, and broadens your understanding of various issues. Whether you’re debating face-to-face or online, here are some essential tips to help you excel in your...