5 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Reading

5 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Reading

The idea of curling up with a good book might not sound so appealing to teenagers, but research from the National Literary Trust shows a strong link between reading and good mental health – and there’s plenty more research where that came from. In fact, by spending...
The Peterloo Massacre: 5 Facts To Know

The Peterloo Massacre: 5 Facts To Know

The Peterloo Massacre is a landmark event that happened in August 1819. Here are five must-know facts about Peterloo that will get you brownie points from your history teacher when the new academic term begins. In 1819, Women Weren’t The Only Ones Who Couldn’t Vote At...
The Scrap Of Paper That Led The Way To War

The Scrap Of Paper That Led The Way To War

“Just for a scrap of paper, Great Britain was going to make war on a kindred nation who desired nothing better than to be friends with her.” – Sir Edward Goschen, British Ambassador to Berlin, Germany, 1908 – 1914. When you learn about the causes of World...
What Is Metacognition?

What Is Metacognition?

Can Metacognition Help Me Become A Better Learner? Metacognition literally means “thinking about thinking.” It’s how we, as humans, have developed the ability to understand and reflect upon our thoughts and behaviours. Over the last few years, Metacognition has become...
How to Analyse Primary Sources

How to Analyse Primary Sources

If you’re studying History at either GCSE or A-Level, primary sources will feature heavily in your final exams. Getting comfortable with them is not only crucial for doing well in these exams, but can also give you transferable skills for further study and use...