Did Britain Host Gladiators?

Did Britain Host Gladiators?

Oxford Home Schooling and Tuition The Flexible way to learn Home Courses Key Stage 3 Courses English Geography History PSHE Maths Science Spanish GCSE and IGCSE Courses Biology Business Chemistry Economics English Language English Literature French Geography German...
Dinosaurs Of England

Dinosaurs Of England

Dinosaurs Discovered On Our Shores When we think of dinosaurs, American accents in films might make it easy to forget that these prehistoric creatures roamed all over the world. Fossils of dinosaurs have been found everywhere, including England, primarily in our...
The Science Of Hibernation

The Science Of Hibernation

As seasonal temperatures drop in late autumn and the days shorten in the lead-up to the solstice, animals such as squirrels, mice and bats enter a state of hibernation. Hibernation itself is thought to be triggered by reduced temperatures and declining light levels....
The Chemistry Of Fireworks

The Chemistry Of Fireworks

Fireworks Season While the 5th of November, Guy Fawkes Night, is the original fireworks night, it is also marks the start of a short season of displays, spanning the nocturnal winter months and marking key calendar and cultural events such as the Winter Solstice and...
Is There A Science To Ghosts?

Is There A Science To Ghosts?

The Scientific Explanations For ‘Ghosts’ With Halloween just around the corner, we’re approaching that time of year when spooky Jack’o lanterns illuminate our quiet, suburban neighbourhoods. Ghosts, horror movies and Halloween programming...