Are Printed Articles A Dying Medium?

Are Printed Articles A Dying Medium?

In an era dominated by digital platforms and instant access to information, traditional mediums like newspaper articles, magazines, and journals might seem obsolete. Yet they have seemed to have withstood the test of time and are still in print. It begs the simple...
Opinion: How Orwellian Are We?

Opinion: How Orwellian Are We?

George Orwell died on the 21st January 1950. He forecast a world where governments controlled people’s lives completely, with his most famous warning given in the form of the dystopian novel 1984. So can we look around today and claim he was right? Or, does it remain...
A Little Half Term Reading

A Little Half Term Reading

With half term upon us, and possibly cooped up, a good way to use some time can be to delve into a book. There’s a lot out there, though. So a couple of recommendations might come in handy. As such, here are two reading recommendations I put forward…...