The Nobel Prizes can, unsurprisingly, be hotbeds of controversy. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 5 times but never received it, a source of incredulity and sadness to many.
The Nobel Prizes can, unsurprisingly, be hotbeds of controversy. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 5 times but never received it, a source of incredulity and sadness to many.
One moment in 2018, epitaphs and In Memoriam speeches for the independent book sellers, newspapers and publishers were being readied. The next, the statistics were showing a slump in ebook sales and growth for the tangible tome.
Synesthesia is something which most individuals experience as a positive addition to their lives. It is simply another way to view the world and for those individuals it can be an enriching rather than inhibiting aspect.
As social creatures our physical contact conveys empathy, togetherness, and an understanding beyond words.
Necessity will truly push the inventive application of all our resources.
Studying Economics can often be considered to pave the way for a career in accountancy or business but it is also of very real benefit to charities, social think tanks, and advisory panels.