This is the last in my short series on politics, providing some knowledge that could help you decide if pursuing a career in the subject could be of interest to you. Part 1 can be found here and Part 2 here. Continuing along the spectrum of political theory we turn...
Following on from the discussion about democracy in Part 1 we take a brief look at the other ‘Left’ orientated theories of politics. Socialism As has been mentioned, Socialism can be a political, economic, and social theory; the three being so tightly interwoven. It...
Why consider politics? Why is it important in daily life? And how might an interest in it develop into wanting a more solid academic understanding and ability to discourse? Over the course of three blog posts I aim to provide answers. The word ‘politics’ goes far...
In the long history of the Nobel Prize there have been 2 refusals from its chosen recipients. Refusals potentially carry as much if not more weight than that of the prize itself. To take a stand against such an established cultural institution promotes the award...
This article follows on from that published on the history of the Nobel Prizes, which can be found by following the link here. According to the Last Will and Testament of Alfred Nobel, the Peace Prize is awarded to the person or persons who, in the preceding year,...