On The English GCSE Closed Book Exam

On The English GCSE Closed Book Exam

At present, GCSE English Literature exams does not allow students to take their textbooks in with them. The AQA exam board requires them to have learned the following:• A Shakespearean play• A 19th century novel• A modern text• 15 poems belonging to the anthology of...
Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

Hopefully you have not left all of your revision to the last minute!  But even if you have, these tips should help you. First things first – relax.  You cannot study well or absorb information if you are stressed. It may be last minute, but you are not out of...
Lessons Learnt:  3 GCSE Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

Lessons Learnt: 3 GCSE Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

  Recently in TES news, exam board AQA shared some feedback to teachers about what to avoid. What does this mean for students? Here is what they said. Give adequate weight to all assessment objectives One of the most useful skills you can develop as a GCSE student, of...
Study Tips for Dyslexic Students

Study Tips for Dyslexic Students

If you are dyslexic, it does not need to be a barrier to education. After all, it doesn’t stop you from learning, you simply have a different way of learning. Of course, you can deploy independent strategies to help you learn. But it is also important to...
Why Shakespeare Is Still Relevant Today

Why Shakespeare Is Still Relevant Today

Have you have ever used sayings such as “tongue-tied”, “in a pickle” and “cruel to be kind”? If so, you have quoted Shakespeare. In fact, it’s likely we each cite him every day without even realising it. Shakespeare also crafted unique words like “hoodwinked”...