Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with more traditional place-based classroom methods. With the rise in popularity of online learning and...
Whether you have recently started studying online due to lockdown or by personal choice, it’s important to make time in your busy schedule to tend to your mental health. After all, we’re human beings, not doings. Here are 5 tips to keep on top of your wellbeing during...
Perhaps you’re between jobs, out of work, or simply in need of some mental stimulation. Maybe your job no longer brings you the joy it once did, or perhaps you’d love to turn a long-held hobby or passion into a career. Well, the good news is, whatever your age and...
March 14 is World Pi Day and also marks the 141st birthday of the famous theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein published the special and general theories of relativity and contributed to many other areas of physics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics...
Social media can be a powerful tool for good in education. As Maria Khan said, “Power is gained by sharing knowledge, not hoarding it”. So, if you’re looking for a daily fix of learning, in any subject, from History or Psychology, here are my top 5 must-follow Twitter...