Yu, Author at Homeschooling - Page 3 of 7

    Articles by Yu

    Percy Bysshe Shelley

    The Romanticism of Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poetry encapsulates the spirit of Romanticism, imbuing his verse with rebellion, hope, and a profound belief in the transformative power of the imagination.

    The silk road

    The Silk Road

    The significance of the Silk Road extended beyond economic and cultural realms. It played a vital role in shaping the geopolitical landscape.


    Plants As Nature’s Pharmacy

    Throughout history, indigenous cultures around the world have relied on the knowledge of their ancestors to identify and utilise the medicinal properties of plants.


    The Golden Age Of Pirates

    While the golden age of pirates was filled with characters and epic tales, it’s important to remember it was also a brutal and violent one.

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance stands as a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the potential for cultural and intellectual transformation.


    Pioneers Of Exploration

    15th Century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition proved that the Earth was round and significantly expanded our knowledge of global geography.


    Indigenous Peoples’ Influence On Us

    Indigenous people have traditionally lived in close harmony with nature, recognising the importance of maintaining ecological balance for the well-being of both humans and the environment.


    Spies Who Changed History

    Spies have used their skills, wit and bravery to influence events, gather critical information, and sometimes even alter the fate of nations.

    Untranslatable words

    Untranslatable Words

    “Sobremesa” embodies the importance of socialising and of human connection in Spanish-speaking cultures – Untranslatable words often hold cultural and historical significance.


    The Curious Case Of The Time Zone

    As the world became more interconnected through the expansion of railways and telegraph systems in the 19th century, the need for a standardised time system became apparent.