Green revolution is coming. Even traditionally conservative thinkers are beginning to come around. It isn’t just that it needs to come to prevent the extinction of life on earth (a compelling motivator for change), but also that green energy will soon make economic...
Red meat consumption in the UK has fallen by almost one third in the past ten years. There are many concerns over current farming practices, such as the treatment of animals, methane production of cattle herds, water usage and energy efficiency. Yet the public still...
Talking about and considering the spectrum of diversity within a learning environment is a vitally important aspect of education provision. There have been many articles written about the difficulties that students and teachers face when finding ways to receive and...
Like the X-ray machine, the humble post-it note, and even the pacemaker, penicillin goes down in history as one of the most life-changing ‘accidental discoveries’ ever made. Alexander Fleming himself remembered it similarly: One sometimes finds, what one is not...
Your brain is more complex than any computer ever invented. It carries out millions of processes every day and to run efficiently, it needs the right kind of fuel. When preparing for exams – GCSE, A-level – or any kind of event where you have to be on fighting...
It can’t have escaped your attention that there is great concern over the decline of the honey bee. And so there should be. Bees, honey or otherwise, are a vital part of our ecosystem, and have been for thousands of years. Without bees, there would be a worldwide...