The Great War & Psychological Medicine

The Great War & Psychological Medicine

A few months ago I wrote an article about the impact of the First World War on medical treatments for bodily injuries, diseases and infections such as those from burns and Typhoid fever. However, this told only half the story. As I cover here, the harm caused by the...
Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

Hopefully you have not left all of your revision to the last minute!  But even if you have, these tips should help you. First things first – relax.  You cannot study well or absorb information if you are stressed. It may be last minute, but you are not out of...
Why Online Learning Works

Why Online Learning Works

There are many ways to learn online. You can participate in online one-to-one lessons, remote classroom sessions, e-learning or a combination of all three. Since online lessons do not lend themselves to a traditional way of teaching and learning, some people are...
Top 5 Tips to Organise your Learning Time

Top 5 Tips to Organise your Learning Time

Whether you are an adult learner or a teenager who is juggling multiple subjects, working efficiently and effectively can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be. The solution lies in being organised – specifically with your time. Tip 1:  Use a diary system...
How did World War One Impact Medicine?

How did World War One Impact Medicine?

War is the only proper school for a surgeon. – Hippocrates The First World War was a watershed moment in history. Never before had such a relatively short period in time seen such seismic shifts in technology, society and culture. The newly industrialised nature of...
Why Choose Homeschooling In 2019?

Why Choose Homeschooling In 2019?

In 2018 the BBC reported that over the last three years the number of children who are being home-schooled in the UK has risen by around 40%. It’s not hard to see why; for parents, ensuring their child’s schooling is top quality is vital, and home schooling is...