Masters Of Their Craft: Michael Crichton

Masters Of Their Craft: Michael Crichton

We all have our ways of doing things, some work better than others. While one approach may work great for some people, they can be completely incompatible for others. Some like to do their work bit by bit, others much prefer to burn the midnight oil with the dread of...
The Chemistry Of Fireworks

The Chemistry Of Fireworks

Fireworks Season While the 5th of November, Guy Fawkes Night, is the original fireworks night, it is also marks the start of a short season of displays, spanning the nocturnal winter months and marking key calendar and cultural events such as the Winter Solstice and...
The Ethics Of Data Mining

The Ethics Of Data Mining

Data mining is the process of analysing large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that can be used to make predictions or decisions. Machine learning and algorithms are usually used to handle the vast information gathered, providing intelligence for a wide...
Fangs And Fiction

Fangs And Fiction

The Origin Of Vampires From fiction and folklore to popular culture, vampires have been a legend maintained through the centuries. With the spooky season upon us, we’re sure to see more of the bloody beasts in books, on screens and in shop windows. Be they magic or...
The People Of The Salem Witch Trials

The People Of The Salem Witch Trials

The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 took place in Salem village, Massachusetts after a group of young girls made accusations of witchcraft amongst its community. It was a period of mass hysteria, fear and injustice, which lead to the execution of nineteen women and one...
Where Did Saturn’s Rings Go?

Where Did Saturn’s Rings Go?

The Mysterious Disappearance Of Saturn’s Majestic Rings Whether you’re an astrology expert or space novice, you can’t think of Saturn without imagining the orb with its iconic rings. However, in 2025 these rings will temporarily become invisible to planet Earth. The...