Is There A Science To Ghosts?

Is There A Science To Ghosts?

The Scientific Explanations For ‘Ghosts’ With Halloween just around the corner, we’re approaching that time of year when spooky Jack’o lanterns illuminate our quiet, suburban neighbourhoods. Ghosts, horror movies and Halloween programming...
The Battle Of Agincourt

The Battle Of Agincourt

Overcoming The Odds The Battle of Agincourt took place on October 25 1415 as part of the Hundred Years’ War – a series of territorial conflicts and French throne disputes that took place between England and France over 116 years. The battle stands out as a testament...
The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment And Its Influence On Modern Democracy The Enlightenment took place between the 17th and 18th centuries as a natural continuation of the intellectual and cultural developments of the renaissance. The period had a large impact on our current day...
Forgotten But Influential Black Britons

Forgotten But Influential Black Britons

Black British Figures Significant To The 18th and 19th Century Traditional depictions of British history have often overlooked the significant presence and contributions of the African diaspora, which has been a part of Britain for centuries. Despite facing...
Home Schooling Socialising

Home Schooling Socialising

Bright Ideas Home schooling comes with many perks. Your learning schedule can be more flexible, and you also get lots of one-on-one time with your tutor. However, it might seem hard to interact with your peers when you’re at home studying. Socialisation is an...
The Enduring Importance Of Theatre

The Enduring Importance Of Theatre

In a world increasingly dominated by digital media, from streaming services to social networking platforms, one might question the relevance of theatre in contemporary culture. However, to dismiss this ancient form of storytelling as antiquated would be to overlook...