Future Routes Open to You “What do you want to be when you grow up?” That’s a question we’ve all been asked more than once in our lives, and the answer often changes as we get older. But as you near the end of your education, you’re older and wiser, it comes down to...
February Reading Not A Diet Book by James Smith Imagine if you knew you could only have one car for the rest of your life; would you take better care of it? A bit of a big sentence that, isn’t it? It’s the most referenced line from the book that readers comment on....
This February, my recommendations are another useful piece of non-fiction for teenagers, looking at the importance of wellbeing, both physically and mentally; and also a great bit of fiction that handles magic better than Harry Potter. Positively Teenage by Nicola...
You will know what I mean when I say time flies. It probably seems only a couple of weeks ago that we were back in the lighter, sunnier days of early summer, and you had just sat your GCSE exams. Yet it was several months, and suddenly the time has come to resit them....
Our recent study surveyed 750 parents in the UK to find out how many children know and understand life skills by the time they leave school. We discovered that many parents worry their young ones will finish their education and still be relatively unprepared for...
The Rise Of “Serious” Games For Mental Health In my previous article, “Gaming is Good For You: The Positive Impact on Mental Health,” we explored how video games, when approached mindfully and in moderation, can have a positive impact on mental...