Why consider politics? Why is it important in daily life? And how might an interest in it develop into wanting a more solid academic understanding and ability to discourse? Over the course of three blog posts I aim to provide answers. The word ‘politics’ goes far...
The tagline ‘there’s an app for it’ was more than a blinkered jest. If you have a need regarding self development or self fulfilment, there is a strong chance an app has been created to facilitate it. The types of technological interface smoothing the way for self...
Economics is a subject that has always been relevant, but perhaps never more so than now. The impact of our day-to-day choices on our future selves and on our wider social and global communities has never been more apparent or more important. Each day we are all...
Going to university is a great way to advance personally and professionally, but it’s not the only option open to you once you’ve done your A levels. While graduates still earn about £6,000 a year more than non graduates according to ONS figures, there are...
At the age of 18, we will have been in compulsory state learning for three quarters of our lives. It can therefore be overwhelming, when we reach the end of our A-Levels, to find that, suddenly, we can decide if we want to continue studying. Some students are not...
Most lessons in schools are essential. However, while it’s extremely useful to know basic mathematics, science, and literacy, these subjects are certainly not everything one needs to succeed in life. Unfortunately, when it comes to learning fundamental life skills, it...