The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle

Vilfredo Pareto was born in Italy in the middle of the nineteenth century. He became a leading philosopher and economist of his time. The idea which he would become best known for, though, had humble beginnings, coming to him whilst on a leisurely walk in his garden...
Insights I Would Give Myself At 17

Insights I Would Give Myself At 17

I taught business studies to a class of 17-year-olds at the beginning of 2019. They were a lively group and keen to understand more about the intriguing world of business. One day, one of my students asked me what advice I would give to my younger self. Drawing from...
Writing a Killer Personal Statement for University

Writing a Killer Personal Statement for University

University applications are sent out by the thousands each year, with the personal statement a key ingredient. So it is important that yours stands out for all of the right reasons. Before you start writing, it is important to consider the purpose of your personal...
Advice on Running a Business

Advice on Running a Business

Did you know that the UK boasted nearly six million businesses in 2018? Compared to the year 2000, that’s a whopping 63% increase. The country is experiencing an entrepreneurial renaissance. I also run my own business, and have done so for ten years now. For...
Closing the Creativity Gap

Closing the Creativity Gap

Creativity. The spark of inspiration that ignites invention. The place where imagination creates magic and original ideas are born. The beating heart of forward progress in society. The rocket that propels our economy to even greater heights. Creativity is the fuel...
3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

Let me get straight to the point and tell you one thing you should not be doing during exams time: stressing! Many of you have now reached that point you have been preparing for, for so long, and are in the thick of exam season. You have probably read loads of...