Most lessons in schools are essential. However, while it’s extremely useful to know basic mathematics, science, and literacy, these subjects are certainly not everything one needs to succeed in life. Unfortunately, when it comes to learning fundamental life skills, it...
Alex Osborn, the father of the brainstorming method, believed that group brainstorming could lead to a 50% increase in creativity. Osborn published several books throughout his lifetime, and one of his most well-known is How To Think Up (1942), which explores the...
Your ability to remain motivated and focused, and to concentrate for long periods of time, will be crucial to success in your A-Level examinations. Here’s three scientifically proven revision tips that can help enhance your A-Level exam performance. 1. Start your...
Vilfredo Pareto was born in Italy in the middle of the nineteenth century. He became a leading philosopher and economist of his time. The idea which he would become best known for, though, had humble beginnings, coming to him whilst on a leisurely walk in his garden...
I taught business studies to a class of 17-year-olds at the beginning of 2019. They were a lively group and keen to understand more about the intriguing world of business. One day, one of my students asked me what advice I would give to my younger self. Drawing from...
“Suffrage” means to have the right to vote. Women in the UK did not have the right to vote until 1918, and even then they had to be over 30 and property owners. This was only amended to all women over 21 in 1928, with the “Representation of the People” (Equal...