As we approach the date which would have marked the start of my A-Level study leave, the impact of covid-19 on education is more apparent to me than ever. In a pandemic-free world, exam anticipation would now be at its crescendo. Every surface of my house would be...
Going to university is a great way to advance personally and professionally, but it’s not the only option open to you once you’ve done your A levels. While graduates still earn about £6,000 a year more than non graduates according to ONS figures, there are...
Schools are struggling. Slashed funds have caused them to bottleneck their curriculum, and teachers are bombarded with long working hours and insufficient pay. Of course, the children themselves have their own issues to contend with too, ranging from poor learning...
By the time you reach the end of your A-Levels you’ll have been in continuous education for over a decade. Many people choose to stay on the education treadmill to university, but a lot of others decide to take a gap year. It’s not hard to see why this is...
As with so many things in home education, I accidentally fell into running a debate club for local teenagers, rather than it being a planned activity! My 15 year old son and his friend were often debating hot topics, and the friend’s mother and I felt that a formal...
Young people have fabulous business ideas. Some of them courageously venture out and realise their dreams. Luke is a 13 year old who came to one of my classes last year. At a tender age, he was already running a profitable, global online business and proudly shared...