3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

Let me get straight to the point and tell you one thing you should not be doing during exams time: stressing! Many of you have now reached that point you have been preparing for, for so long, and are in the thick of exam season. You have probably read loads of...
What Is The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?

What Is The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (more commonly known as a DofE award) is a multi-tiered scheme that young people can enrol on to boost their prospects. Founded in 1956 by The Duke of Edinburgh, young people aged 14-24 complete activities across three levels for a gold,...
Preparing your Child for Foreign Language Oral Exams

Preparing your Child for Foreign Language Oral Exams

In the UK, children start studying a foreign language at the age of 11. Yet by 14, many have given up on the subject completely. Why? Well, research suggests a big factor is that students perceive good grades to be less attainable in languages compared to other...
Foreign Language Study: Is the Future Online?

Foreign Language Study: Is the Future Online?

The popularity of foreign language study at GCSE level in the UK appears to be on the decline. In 2002, around three quarters of pupils studied a language other than English as part of their GCSE qualifications. Two years later, the government stopped making languages...
Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

Last minute GCSE Revision Tips

Hopefully you have not left all of your revision to the last minute!  But even if you have, these tips should help you. First things first – relax.  You cannot study well or absorb information if you are stressed. It may be last minute, but you are not out of...
Lessons Learnt:  3 GCSE Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

Lessons Learnt: 3 GCSE Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

  Recently in TES news, exam board AQA shared some feedback to teachers about what to avoid. What does this mean for students? Here is what they said. Give adequate weight to all assessment objectives One of the most useful skills you can develop as a GCSE student, of...