It can’t have escaped your attention that there is great concern over the decline of the honey bee. And so there should be. Bees, honey or otherwise, are a vital part of our ecosystem, and have been for thousands of years. Without bees, there would be a worldwide...
Social media can be a powerful tool for good in education. As Maria Khan said, “Power is gained by sharing knowledge, not hoarding it”. So, if you’re looking for a daily fix of learning, in any subject, from History or Psychology, here are my top 5 must-follow Twitter...
“Suffrage” means to have the right to vote. Women in the UK did not have the right to vote until 1918, and even then they had to be over 30 and property owners. This was only amended to all women over 21 in 1928, with the “Representation of the People” (Equal...
University applications are sent out by the thousands each year, with the personal statement a key ingredient. So it is important that yours stands out for all of the right reasons. Before you start writing, it is important to consider the purpose of your personal...
Thomas Edward Lawrence was born on 16th August, 1888, in Tremadoc, Caernarvonshire. He studied at Oxford University before becoming an archaeologist with a passion for the Medieval Military and Arabic Studies. His life and work would earn him the nickname Lawrence of...
The year is 1904. Having learned to “hear” people’s speech by reading their lips with her hand and distinguish people by the vibration of their footsteps, a pioneering young woman from Alabama in the USA is the first-ever deaf and blind person to...