How To Create A Study Schedule That Works For You

How To Create A Study Schedule That Works For You

Creating a study schedule is an essential part of achieving academic success. The right study schedule can help you manage your time effectively, ensure that you cover all the necessary material, and reduce stress and anxiety. One thing to note is that no two students...
How Influencer Culture Is Shaping Education

How Influencer Culture Is Shaping Education

The Emergence Of Influencer Culture In Education The world has changed drastically in the last decade and the way people communicate and interact with one another is no exception. With the rise of social media, new forms of communication have emerged such as...
IGCSE English Exams In January: Top Tips To Prepare

IGCSE English Exams In January: Top Tips To Prepare

It seems a bit mean, maybe. You have the festive run-up to the Christmas holiday, but as soon as the the new year rolls around, you are thinking about IGCSE exams – that’s if you haven’t thought about them already (hopefully, you will have had a break while devouring...
How To Choose A Levels

How To Choose A Levels

There are many different A Level courses on offer when home schooling, and so choosing the right ones for you can seem like a maze to navigate. By having a clear understanding of what you want to pursue in your education and career, such as the A Levels to be a...
Scheduling Wider Reading Around Literature Studies

Scheduling Wider Reading Around Literature Studies

Literature is a vital subject to study in schools. It improves skills around communication and articulation and helps students better understand other things such as politics, culture, and history. Sadly, in 2019, interest in A-Level English was declining in learning...
Dealing With Exams Results Day Anxiety

Dealing With Exams Results Day Anxiety

Exams are, finally, over; revision notes are packed away, shredded, passed on to your sibling, or thrown on the BBQ; the endless balmy days of a British summer lie ahead of you. You can lounge in the sun, meet up with friends, and you don’t have to worry about setting...