What Is Blended Learning?

What Is Blended Learning?

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with more traditional place-based classroom methods. With the rise in popularity of online learning and...
Supporting A Child With Learning Difficulty

Supporting A Child With Learning Difficulty

While homeschooling for the first time, many parents will have seen how their children work first-hand. Interestingly, our research has revealed that while overseeing their children’s learning, many parents spotted potential signs of a learning difficulty. Nearly half...
The Changing Face of Home Education

The Changing Face of Home Education

Home education, once viewed as an unusual, or even fringe method of education, has, at least for a while, become the norm for the vast majority of parents and children across the country. Since schools closed and the lockdown began, parents have suddenly found...


Talking about and considering the spectrum of diversity within a learning environment is a vitally important aspect of education provision. There have been many articles written about the difficulties that students and teachers face when finding ways to receive and...
Home Schooling Abroad During the Pandemic

Home Schooling Abroad During the Pandemic

Home schooling in Spain is a challenging option. It’s not technically illegal, but some areas specifically don’t allow it – except in some circumstances. In fact the only thing that’s clear is that it’s totally unclear. Certainly, once you’re in the school system it’s...
The Growth of Homeschooling in the UK

The Growth of Homeschooling in the UK

Home Education in the UK has increased by 130% since 2013 Parents homeschool their children for a variety of reasons and our latest research found that the number doing so has increased significantly in recent years. Using Freedom of Information requests, we...