The First Astronomer Royal

The First Astronomer Royal

On 4th March 1675, King Charles II appointed John Flamsteed as the first Astronomer Royal. He was commissioned to “the rectifying of the tables of the motions of the heavens, and the places of the fixed stars, so as to find out the so much desired longitude of places...
Why Good Numeracy Counts

Why Good Numeracy Counts

According to research published by National Numeracy, approximately 17 million workers in the UK only have numeracy skills of a primary school child. That’s a staggering figure, constituting over 50% of the UK’s 2017 working population. Numeracy is the skill of being...
3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

3 Things You Should Be Doing Now Exams Have Started

Let me get straight to the point and tell you one thing you should not be doing during exams time: stressing! Many of you have now reached that point you have been preparing for, for so long, and are in the thick of exam season. You have probably read loads of...
What Is The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?

What Is The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (more commonly known as a DofE award) is a multi-tiered scheme that young people can enrol on to boost their prospects. Founded in 1956 by The Duke of Edinburgh, young people aged 14-24 complete activities across three levels for a gold,...
How to Choose the Best University for You

How to Choose the Best University for You

Would you agree that finding the right university can be challenging? In the UK, there are approximately 130 universities offering academic courses, so many of us can feel overwhelmed by such an abundance of options. You will find some tried and tested techniques...
STEM Subjects: Are They Really Superior?

STEM Subjects: Are They Really Superior?

The term STEM refers to a group of subjects; science, technology, engineering and mathematics. All have their own branch subjects as well, such as chemistry and physics for science, and these are considered to be STEM fields also. Obviously, then, it’s an important...