Using Social Media In Schools

Using Social Media In Schools

Why Social Media Is Important To Schools And How To Use It There are many benefits to using social media in an educational context. Embracing this technology can make schools run more smoothly, give students an interactive platform that they naturally know how to...
The State Of Language Learning In Schools

The State Of Language Learning In Schools

The BBC issued a report last year suggesting that foreign language learning in schools was at its lowest point this century. Around a third of secondary schools have dropped at least one language. In Northern Ireland the number of students taking a language GCSE is...
Literature’s Best Film and TV Adaptations

Literature’s Best Film and TV Adaptations

The old saying is quite true; there really is nothing like a good book! However, onscreen adaptations of these texts can sometimes come close. This is especially true when they’re well-made, with every frame a heartfelt homage to the source material from which it...
5 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Reading

5 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Reading

The idea of curling up with a good book might not sound so appealing to teenagers, but research from the National Literary Trust shows a strong link between reading and good mental health – and there’s plenty more research where that came from. In fact, by spending...
What Is Blended Learning?

What Is Blended Learning?

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with more traditional place-based classroom methods. With the rise in popularity of online learning and...
Maximising Your Learning Potential

Maximising Your Learning Potential

The science of learning is progressing, and getting some tricks in your learning arsenal can help you vastly increase your ability to consume and utilise new information. Below, I have outlined some such hints and tricks to get you on your way. Learning Styles We’ve...