Your Guide To A Productive And Restful Easter Break It’s March and we all know what that brings: Easter! A wonderful two-week break full of questionable weather and possibly one too many chocolate eggs. But this holiday is never quite as enjoyable as the others in...
Exam Questions On The Horizon It might only be March, and May may seem so far away, but two things are worth mentioning: it’s never too early to be exam-ready, and time moves faster than you think it does. So while you’re stepping up your revision, one of the best and...
Improving What You Own Your reading list probably asks you for newest editions of novels and textbooks. If you own some older editions of these texts already, you might think; ‘why do I need to rebuy something I already own?’ It can be an annoying question,...
What Are The Most Influential Languages In The World? Before discussing the most influential languages, we must outline what makes a language influential. The influence of languages can be determined through various factors such as the number of speakers, economic...
How It Will Help You How often do you think about the words you use in life? Not very often, probably. But subconsciously, your lexis (the words you choose to use) will change on the kind of discourse (the people and topic) you are having. This will affect the...
Future Routes Open to You “What do you want to be when you grow up?” That’s a question we’ve all been asked more than once in our lives, and the answer often changes as we get older. But as you near the end of your education, you’re older and wiser, it comes down to...