Oxford Home Schooling and Tuition

Exams are, finally, over; revision notes are packed away, shredded, passed on to your sibling, or thrown on the BBQ; the endless balmy days of a British summer lie ahead of you. You can lounge in the sun, meet up with friends, and you don’t have to worry about setting an alarm. And then… and then… results day looms, that day in August* when you will open the envelope, or the message, and find out how well you have done. It’s nerve-wracking. It’s anxiety-inducing. It’s a day that some people would rather not have to deal with. But fear not. It’s not as bad as you think.

It is natural to feel concerned and worried ahead of receiving your exams results. In fact, it is healthy to feel a certain amount of anxiety about different life events. However, spending a lot of your waking hours, and maybe even being kept awake at night due to worrying, is not helpful. So if you are likely to suffer with anxiety in the run-up to your results day in August, the three top tips below might be of use.

What’s Done Is Done

Once you’ve finished your exams, you need to try and remember that there isn’t anything more you can do about results at that point. Some people forensically go back through their responses, they question their friends, they ask their tutors. In reality, it’s done. So, try and put your concerns on the shelf and move on to the next challenge, or relax.

Exams Results Are Not The End Of The World

Exams results days are important, yes, and can dictate what you do next – for example, A-Levels or university. However, if you are anxious about not doing as well as you would like, just remember: whatever results you receive, it will not mean the end of the world. Okay, so they may affect what you do next, albeit temporarily, but you can retake your exams, or maybe even your plans must change – and this might not be a bad thing. Try to rationalise the situation, it will make you feel better.

Enjoy Some “Me” Time

Feeling anxious about an upcoming event can be horrible. So, if you are affected by anxiety like this, try and build in some activities which can help to alleviate such feelings. You might take a walk in the fresh air, appreciate the environment around you. Maybe you get stuck into a good book, or go and kick a football around with your friends. Sitting around dwelling on a potential future situation is not healthy for you mentally or physically – and ‘escaping’ from this mindset in some way can be hugely beneficial.

So, if you start to feel anxious with exam results day looming, try to divert yourself. You’ll feel a whole lot better if you do.

*18th August, Exams Results for A-Level, and 25th August for GCSE.