Oxford Home Schooling and Tuition

A UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) report has found that close to 250,000 young people gained a place at a UK university recently. Clare Marchant, Chief Executive of UCAS, confirmed that an increasing number of people are attracted to full-time undergraduate education. It is unsurprising then, to hear that whilst that figure represents 86% of applicants as accepted, the fact that competition for places at the prospective student’s first choice institution is often fierce. You may well be able to study the subject you want, but being able to do so where you want is another matter. With all that in mind, it’s best to think ahead.

Here are my four top tips to help you increase your chances of getting into your preferred university.

  • Smart Research

The more time you spend on researching options, the more you increase your chances of finding a suitable course. It is wise to attend Open Days, talk to alumni and read student reviews. You should also study the university’s website and look at their rankings.

  • Stand Out

Besides having good grades, you will need to think about boosting your palette of experiences. The opportunities are boundless. You could take up an internship, run a small business, volunteer for the community, engage in sports or gain some professional experience. If interested in a specific field like medicine, you could set yourself the challenge of reading extensively on the subject. If you aim to read a book every week on your preferred subject, you will soon develop a real insight into the field.

  • Shine at an Interview

You might be invited for an interview before being offered a place. Make sure that you polish your interview skills in advance. The more you practice, the more you will be able to manage your nerves.

  • Submit a Brilliant Application

Many people would agree that writing a personal statement is one of the most challenging parts of the application process. It can make or break your application. If you have previously thought about differentiating yourself, you will find it much easier to create a compelling statement.

Studying at university is an opportunity of a lifetime. It is a chance to gain some fantastic academic skills. You will broaden your horizons. You will develop a different perspective of the world. I hope these four top tips will help you get them.