A recent YouGov research found that 91% of the UK’s population engage in some Christmas celebrations. Sadly, Christmas for many people is all about spending money and going shopping.
However, the Christmas holiday can be an inspiring and memorable time if we spend a little time planning it in advance.
Reconnect with old friends
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy for us to forget about old friends. Often, months pass without talking to each other and it can feel awkward to reconnect after a long period of silence. Have you got a few old friends who you would like to reconnect with? It does not matter if you have not spoken to them for a while. Do remember to get in touch with them this Christmas. They will be delighted to hear from you.
Go story hunting
I have recently started a project of collecting family stories. I have long conversations with my parents about family members who lived generations ago. As we talk, I am recording stories about my ancestors who have been teachers, entrepreneurs, farmers and craftsmen. It is fascinating to hear stories of people living over a 100 years ago. In the Christmas holidays, why not ask your grandparents, aunties or uncles to share with you stories of the past? Do not forget to ask them about what their parents did and do capture the stories in writing.
Catch up on your reading
The Christmas break can be a fantastic time to catch up on your reading. Do you enjoy poems, novels, science fiction, comedy books or autobiographies? Books can help you to relax and to see the world with a fresh pair of eyes.
Aspirations for next year
After you have indulged in some delicious food, reading and family time, put a little time aside to think about what you would like to accomplish in the New Year. Think about 3 things which you would like to achieve. You might want to improve your academic grades, learn presentation skills, join a sports club, take up a new hobby or volunteer for the community. Seek goals which are inspiring, energising and courageous.