Oxford Home Schooling and Tuition

The Flexible way to learn and testing

Spanish A level

If you’d like to understand and communicate in one of the world’s most widely spoken languages, Spanish A level could be the perfect course for you. The primary objectives are to help you read, write and speak the Spanish language. You will also gain an understanding of the formation of the Spanish language and its place and significance in Spanish culture.

All of these skills will allow you to pursue further Spanish study, or use your language skills in another field – international business, for example.

Economics A level

£12.99 / Month

Associated Courses

How does a course work

Step one

Subscribe to the courses you wish to study.  The courses contain all the study material you require to pass your Spanish A level including many self assessment questions and assignments with comprehensive suggested answers.  The minimum subscription period is 6 months, after that you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Step two

Choose a tutor from our bank of PGCE qualified tutors.  As you require assistence, purchase Tutorial Time, Assignment Marking and Mock Exam Marking, For further information see our rate card.


Course Outline

In following this two-year course, you’ll gain an interesting and deep insight into the Spanish language through eight modules, evaluated via 13 tutor-marked assignments. You’ll develop your language skills through a range of learning activities and self-assessment questions.

The 1st-year course begins with a look into the evolution of Spanish society and the political and artistic culture of the Spanish-speaking world, giving you a well-rounded understanding of the Spanish language’s place across the globe. You’ll also study Bodas de Sangre by Lorca, a defining Spanish tragedy. At the same time, you will develop your Listening, Reading and Translation skills.

In the 2nd half of the A level course, you’ll begin learning about immigration and multiculturalism in Spanish society, investigate Franco’s dictatorship and the Spanish transition to democracy, and study Crónica de Una Muerte Anunciada by famed Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez. The  focus throughout will be on Listening, Reading and Translation.

For both years of the Spanish course, we provide resources to help you practise your Speaking and Listening skills.  Your tutor will be also  be ready to help you prepare for your Speaking and Listening exam. There are links to various additional opportunities for conversational practice.

You can also enjoy free e-book access to the supporting text for the duration of your studies and access to many additional online resources available via Hodder’s Boost Learning Platform.

General Introduction to A-level Spanish

  • Following the Course
  • Grammar for A Level
  • A-level Spanish Examination; Aims, etc
  • Resources; Tips and Techniques

Module One: La evolución de la sociedad española

  • El cambio en la estructura familiar
  • La evolución de las actitudes hacia el matrimonio, las relaciones y las familias
  • La vida laboral en España
  • Las oportunidades de trabajo para los jóvenes
  • La igualdad de género
  • El impacto económico y ambiental del turismo en España
  • Las oportunidades que ofrece el turismo en España

Module Two: La cultura política y artística en el mundo de habla hispana

  • Cambios y tendencias musicale
  • Impacto de la música contemporánea
  • La televisión y las telenovelas
  • Los medios de comunicación escritos y en Internet
  • Los festivales, fiestas, costumbres y tradiciones

Module Three: Literature choice: Bodas de sangre by Lorca

Module Four: AS Listening, Reading and Translation

Module Five: La inmigración y la sociedad multicultural española

  • El impacto positivo de la inmigración en la economía y la cultura de España
  • Los desafíos de la inmigración y la integración en España
  • La reacción social y el enfoque político hacia la inmigración

Module Six: La dictadura franquista y la transición a la democracia

  • La Guerra Civil y el ascenso de Franco
  • Las consecuencias de la Guerra Civil
  • La vida cotidiana durante la dictadura franquista
  • La transición de la dictadura a la democracia
  • El rey Juan Carlos; el Gobierno de Suárez; el golpe de Estado de 1981

Module Seven: Research Project and Literature choice:
Crónica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel García Márquez

  • Proyecto de Investigación
  • Crónica de una muerte anunciada

Module Eight: A-level Listening, Reading and Translation

  • A-level Listening, Reading and Translation Paper 1
  • Written Response to Works and Translation, Paper 2

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I enrol?

You can enrol and start any time you like, the earlier the better. The important thing to think about is when you wish to sit your exam and to give yourself plenty of time to work through your materials and revise successfully. Our cut-off dates for enrolment can be found here.

Once you have enrolled, you will get access to your course online immediately and your printed course materials will arrive a few days later.

Can I complete the Spanish A level exam in one year?

Our cut-off for enrolling on an A level Spanish course for the following summer examination series is mid-October each year. So yes you can.  However, remember that you will still need to fit around 700 hours of study time into your schedule before the examination.  The earlier you enrol, the less study you must do each week!

Why should I choose Oxford Home Schooling?
  • Oxford Home Schooling is a long-established educational trust that prides itself on
    • treating every student as an individual
    • customer service
    • course quality.
  • We’re rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot by students who have studied with us.
  • We provide online and printed resources so you can study your way – other providers do not give you that choice.
  • We make it easy for you to home-educate your children with our flexible schedule, tutor support, and interest-free payment plan.
  • Every year we help hundreds of children who have left mainstream education obtain the qualifications they need to progress and achieve their goals.
  • Oxford Home Schooling is part of a not-for-profit trust so you can be sure that your course fees are spent on either your child’s tuition or on improving our courses.

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Dealing With Exams Results Day Anxiety

Dealing With Exams Results Day Anxiety

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