Oxford Home Schooling has developed a new home study distance learning course for Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship at Key Stage 3 (KS3).
The KS3 PSHE course is designed for students aged 11-14, covering a wide range of personal, social and health issues, plus issues of citizenship, suitable for students aged 11 and over.
Parents should be confident that all delicate topics are covered in the most sensitive way possible. The course does not lead to specific examinations but matches most aspects of the National Curriculum at this level.
The course is divided into three separate one-year programmes, suitable for Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students studying within a home environment, under the supervision of their parents.
There is a wealth of suitable activities, projects and tutor-marked assignments. Parents are given full support, lesson by lesson, in their role as mentors and markers of self-assessment tests, etc.
Topics covered in the Year 7 course include:
- Learning/studying skills- how our amazing brains work!
- Emotional Health and Well-Being- including healthy eating
- Making friends and respecting each other
- Careers advice
- Citizenship
- Global citizenship
Topics covered in the Year 8 course include:
- Heroes and villains
- Food around the world
- Managing your finances
- First aid basics
- Drug education
- Climate change
Topics covered in the Year 9 course include:
- An emotional journey
- Pilgrims
- The law and you
- Morality
- Money matters
- Consumer rights
- A fairer society