Going to university is a great way to advance personally and professionally, but it’s not the only option open to you once you’ve done your A levels. While graduates still earn about £6,000 a year more than non graduates according to ONS figures, there are plenty of good non-degree jobs with great career paths that pay above the average national salary of £30,000 per annum.
10 of the highest paying jobs you can get without a degree, (as revealed by research from indeed.com), are shown below.
Highest Average Salaries
1. Ethical Hacker: £56,547
2. Construction Manager: £53,118
3. Software Engineer: £39,097
4. Maintenance Manager: £38,675
5 Sales Manager: £37,991
6. Fitness Manager: £34,374
7. Executive Assistant: £33,150
8. Pilot: £32,691
9. Head Chef: £30,867
10. Mechanic: £28,734
Do you Have an Analytical and Investigative Mind?
The Ethical Hacker role could be just for you. It is an intriguing job where coders, (with explicit upfront agreement) attempt to crack the cyber defences of their client’s IT systems. With the rise of cybercrime and cyberterrorism, banks, social networks etc… ethical hackers are in huge demand across the UK.
Perhaps Cooking is Your Forte?
Do you love cooking? Then a Head Chef is a great non-degree job to consider, paying over the national average. Also, since research has shown that there is a shortage of Chef’s in the UK, and continues to do so, you’ll find it relatively easy to get a job, wherever you are in the UK.
Do you have a head for heights?
If you are not fazed by altitude, then a Pilot job is just for you. Let’s face it, an airline pilot is perhaps one of the coolest, most prestigious non-degree jobs out there. You have huge responsibility and get to travel all over the world. You might start out small, but the sky’s your limit.
Never give up- before or after A levels
The overriding point here is that you there is no need to confine yourself to the ambition of a degree, and no need to give up if you think you haven’t done well in or fall short with your A levels. There will always be opportunities to seize, strive and progress in, no matter how you do at school.